Friendly ReadiGrass stands as a unique offering sourced solely from our fields nestled in the heart of Yorkshire. This product serves as a delectable fibre source, fostering the health of your small animals. Through our meticulous drying process, we exclusively remove water content, ensuring the preservation of the grass's natural flavour, delightful aroma, vibrant colour, and robust nutrient content found in fresh grass.
Our Friendly ReadiGrass holds the power to pique appetite and captivate even the most selective eaters, proving irresistible due to its authentic taste and appealing scent. Beyond its enticement, this grass is brimming with all the essential nutrients required to maintain your pet's optimal well-being.
Tailored for the nourishment of rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and degus, Friendly ReadiGrass finds its place as a pivotal dietary component. For these animals, premium quality forage—be it dried grass, timothy, green oat, or hay—should compose a significant portion of their diet.
Packaged in convenient 1kg bags, Friendly ReadiGrass is readily accessible for purchase, either online or through our extensive network of stockists. It serves as an embodiment of our commitment to delivering both nutrition and satisfaction to your beloved furry friends.