NAF Crib Stop Equine Spray 500ml
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Brand Naf Five Star
NAF Crib Stop Equine Spray comes in a convenient 500ml bottle and is designed to help prevent your horse from biting wood and other hard surfaces. This spray creates an unpleasant tasting, water-repellent coating that acts as a deterrent, discouraging your horse from engaging in damaging behaviors like cribbing and chewing on stable doors, fences, and other structures.
Before using, make sure to shake the bottle well to ensure the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Spray the solution liberally onto any surfaces that your horse tends to bite or chew. The spray's effectiveness can last through various weather conditions, but it's recommended to reapply after heavy rain to maintain its deterrent effect. This product is essential for horse owners looking to protect their property and manage their horses' cribbing or chewing habits effectively.