Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer is expertly crafted to provide comprehensive support for your horse's digestive system, from the stomach to the hindgut. Licking this balancer promotes saliva production, aiding in buffering stomach acidity.
This unique formula contains Slippery Elm and Seaweed Meal, rich sources of mucilage, which contribute to digestive health. Additionally, a prebiotic fosters beneficial gut bacteria, while live probiotic yeast offers a buffering effect in the hindgut.
With elevated magnesium levels and low starch content, Pro Digest Balancer is suitable for all horses but is particularly beneficial for those prone to digestive upsets.
To entice even the pickiest eaters, we've added a spiced apple flavoring to this balancer. Plus, the high-specification Horslyx Balancer package ensures your horse receives the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements necessary to address deficiencies in forage and grazing.
Choose Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer to provide your horse with optimal digestive support and overall well-being.