Looking for Inspiration in Naming Your New Cat? — PetsMagnet.co.uk Skip to content
Looking for Inspiration in Naming Your New Cat?

Looking for Inspiration in Naming Your New Cat?

Anyone who has recently purchased a kitten or cat has an important role to play in helping them adapt to their new home and to offer a full and healthy life.
When bringing your kitten or cat home for the first time, he or she will be most receptive to new experiences, so make most of this solicitation period, whilst keeping your kitten safe, until the vaccination programme has been completed. There are many ways in which we can give our kitten the best care, from vaccination to the nutrition we give.

However, you now have another decision to make…what to name your new family “cat” member!

With all these important things to think about, trying to be original and come up with a good name for your new pet can prove a challenge. Every cat is unique, and you may well want a unique cat name to match.
You may be looking for a name which represents something to you, a name that you have always liked or even one from a movie.

When selecting a name for your cat, make sure you choose one which you will not get tired off – do not forget, some cats can live up to 15 years (plus).

Here are some top tips in choosing a name for your kitten/cat.

Get inspired by your cat’s appearance

Get inspired by your cat’s appearance

Does your new kitten or cat have a “tuxedo” on their chest or “wear” socks? Maybe they have stripes like a tiger? These are just a couple of ways to help inspire you to find that perfect name.

Get inspired by your cat’s personality

Get inspired by your cat’s personality

Many new cat owners feel rushed, pressured that they must name their cat straight away.

However, the best cat names will always be the one is which reflect your cat’s own personality. It is perfectly acceptable to wait and discover what kind of characteristics your new cat has. Just take a few days to observe.

Consider the cat’s breed

Consider the cat’s breed

If your cat is a Russian Blue or a Persian, then you could use the history of the cat’s breed to come up with an unusual name. If the breed you have chosen has a reputation for being a pampered puss, then names like Duchess can be appropriate.

Take your time

Take your time

It can be a challenge to choose a name, especially if you have not done this before. It is much better to take your time. Once the name has been chosen then it allows the kitten to get used to it.
If you change the name after a few weeks because you have changed your mind, it can confuse the kitten, just as they are getting used to it.

Do not make it complicated

Do not make it complicated

Pick a name that it is simple and easy to say. If you give your kitten a complicated name, your kitten may again get confused. If you would rather opt for a long name for your new kitten or cat because it has significance to you, then you could abbreviate it for everyday use.

Other inspirations for cat names

Apart from naming your cat based on their personality or appearance, there are lots of other options for inspirational cat names, should you be struggling to come up with your own.

These include:

Favorite Famous Figures

You may have a favorite character from the music industry or from a favorite film. An ever-popular example of this is cat names after characters in Games of Thrones, or your favorite singer like Elvis or Ed.


You may be a fan of a particular sport or have a favourite food/drink. Many owners I meet like gardening and name their cat after a flower, like Daisy or Rose.

Sentimental Name

You may want to pick a name that brings back fond memories or one that meant something to you when you were younger, such as a person you were close to, such as Nan or Grandad. Alternatively, try something fun like your favourite chocolate bar!

Popular Black Cat Names

You may have a new black kitten or cat in your life and are looking for some ideas.
Shadow is a popular and common name for male and female cats, as it represents darkness and mystery.
Olive is also a classic female black cat name
Magic is a popular name for a black cat

Celebrity and movie-inspired cat names

In the world of showbiz, there are many celebrities to name your cat after! From a famous singer to a famous actor, such as Leonardo DiCaprio, or Leo for short!

You could even use a famous cat name from films. Bagheera from The Jungle book or Sylvester from the cartoon, or even Binx from Hocus Pocus have all become increasingly popular choices.

Female cat names

From the common Poppy (from the summer flower) which regularly tops lists for female cats, to Luna (coming from the Latin name meaning moon), Buffy (from the nineties hit television show), Daisy (from the Summer Flower), Bella (from the Italian word for Beautiful) and Tallulah (meaning “leaping water”).

Male cat names

The most common male cat name is Tom, from the cartoon character. Other names include Oreo (from the biscuit), Monty (usually shortened from the name Montgomery), Gizmo (from the 1984 film, Gremlins), Merlin (a mystical name) and Simba (a character from the movie Lion King)

Grey cat names

Names for cats that are a smokey colour (silver or grey) include Ash, Bluebell, Blue and Dusty.

If you are still stuck, then there are some great online cat name generators that can help.

Remember, whatever name you choose, the most important thing is to have a happy and healthy cat. Here at Petsmagnet we are happy to discuss with you the wide range of feeds and your cat’s needs with you.

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